On the first day of high school at Kamizono Academy, four girls meet each other while lost on the huge campus, and form a friendship. This story follows the daily school life of the four girls and their eclectic classmates. On their first day of high school shy Ayumi Nonomura and taciturn Tatsuki Iizuka become lost on the immense campus of Kamizono Academy. An irresistible force of nature named Torako Kageyama accompanied by her best friend Suzume Saotome appears in front of them.
Led, sometimes pushed, by Torako, the girls and their classmates work through problems of school, home and adolescence.
6anime.one is a great site to watch anime Hyakko, SUB online. You can also watch Hyakko in HD or SD quality.
Overview: On the first day of high school at Kamizono Academy, four girls meet each other while lost on the huge campus, and form a friendship. This story follows the daily school life of the four girls and their eclectic classmates. On their first day of high school shy Ayumi Nonomura and taciturn Tatsuki Iizuka become lost on the immense campus of Kamizono Academy. An irresistible force of nature named Torako Kageyama accompanied by her best friend Suzume Saotome appears in front of them.
Led, sometimes pushed, by Torako, the girls and their classmates work through problems of school, home and adolescence.
Other names: ヒャッコ
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 13 / 13
Views: 2,103
Last Added: 2009-12-31 16:00:00
Release Year: 2008
6anime.one is a great site to watch anime Hyakko, SUB online. You can also watch Hyakko in HD or SD quality.